We understand that your focus is the customers and communities you serve and also the complexities that can involve. We provide a flexible service which can be tailored to your needs, allowing your cases to be dealt with as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. That can include helping to upskill your teams, acting as a “sounding board” or taking ownership of matters when you need us to.
We currently provide expert practical legal advice to housing associations and local authorities with housing stock in England and Wales. This can cover aspects of tenancy enforcement and dealing with issues of nuisance behaviour and/or criminal activity within their estates and communities. We have expert knowledge of The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 having supported much of the sector during implementation in 2022-23. We have a specific team dedicated to defending disrepair claims and are able to handle volume claims for you. We are also able to provide specialist advice and assistance in relation to all aspects of housing management, homelessness and allocations and issues and queries arising from The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016. Please also refer to the more substantive list of services below.
We also provide non-contentious advice on a range of matters including drafting of tenancy agreements/occupation contracts, reviewing policies and procedures and providing one-off advice on specific topics.
We also offer a wide range of training courses specifically designed to be informative as well as practical in order to maximise our clients’ in-house expertise and management capabilities. This can help ensure that you are dealing with matters in the most cost effective way and by working alongside your team, we can help identify those areas where developing your own staff would be beneficial.