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21 July 2023 | Podcasts | Article by Danielle Vincent

An interview with Yours in Scouting | Part 2

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This is the second part of the interview with founders of Yours in Scouting, Sheanna Patelmaster and Lucy Pincott. You can listen to the first part of the podcast.

They debate on the effectiveness of mandatory reporting, mass safeguarding training for Scout leaders and provide advice for survivors who are thinking of disclosing their abuse.

The Yours in Scouting website has a dedicated ‘Get Support‘ page, which includes a number of organisations offering tailored support to both women and men. In addition, the team are currently organising a ‘Trauma Advice Session’ for victims who have been abused in the children’s organisations such as the Scouts, Brownies and Cubs.

We encourage anyone who has concerns about sexual abuse to get in touch with our specialist sexual abuse solicitors.

The team are urgently calling on The Government and The Scout Association to address its safeguarding practices and take action to protect children under their care. They are proposing that the organisation should:

  1. Set up a Lived Experience Board as part of their governance, which will include those who have experienced abuse whilst members of The Scout Association
  2. Create a paid Safeguarding Lead position in each Scout county in the UK, to monitor the conduct of volunteers and ensuring that the safeguarding escalation pathway doesn’t go via the District or County Commissioners.

If you’d like to have your say, please click the button below to sign the petition.

Author bio

Danielle Vincent

Senior Associate

Danielle is a Senior Associate in the Abuse Specialist Personal Injury Department. She specialises in representing survivors of abuse and has experience in bringing claims against a number of institutions as well as individual abusers.

Disclaimer: The information on the Hugh James website is for general information only and reflects the position at the date of publication. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be treated as such. If you would like to ensure the commentary reflects current legislation, case law or best practice, please contact the blog author.


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