Ronald McDonald House, located at the Heath Hospital in Cardiff provides a home away from home, with 30 ensuite rooms and numerous kitchen and lounge facilities, for the families of children who are undergoing treatment at the hospital. The charity has 13 Houses across the UK that provide families with a warm and comfortable place to stay just across the way from Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospital.
As an independent charity, they rely on the support of volunteers, fundraisers, and donors to be able to continue to provide the incredible service that they do today.
Members of the Serious Injury Team, Anu Manda, Joy Davies, Katie David, Laura Metcalfe, Rebecca Herbert and Sian Casey attended the house last month to volunteer. The Team assisted with housekeeping as well as creating a Roald Dahl window display which included 10 golden tickets hidden within, which encouraged interactive play for the children. If they found all 10 golden tickets, there was a chocolate prize! The window display tied in with the house’s film night that Sunday, where they were showing a Roald Dahl film.
Rebecca, a Paralegal in the Serious Injury Team reflects on the day:
“We had a lot of fun creating the window display and discovered some artistic talents from some members of the team, whilst supporting an extremely worthy cause!”