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Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill

How will the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill enhance the wellbeing of the people of Wales? (5 Points)(Required)

The Welsh Government recognises procurement as an important way of ensuring a good standard of public services. However, procurement must be carried out in a socially responsible way. What does socially responsible mean in the context of the Bill? (5 Points)(Required)

The Bill requires contracting authorities to take particular actions when it carries out public procurement in relation to a major construction contract. Which of the following constitutes a major construction contract for the purposes of the Bill? (5 points)(Required)

The Welsh Ministers must publish model clauses for major construction contract i.e. social public works clauses. These clauses are designed to bring about improvements to economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being. When dealing with major construction contracts, a contracting authority must have regard to the model clauses and take all reasonable steps to include any clauses it thinks should be included when negotiating. Assuming that model clauses are included in a contract, can they be amended at all? (5 Points)(Required)

If a contracting authority decides not to include social public work clauses in a major construction contract, when must it notify the Welsh Ministers? (5 Points)(Required)

A contracting authority that has awarded any prescribed contracts during a financial year must prepare and publish an annual report on its public procurement. It must also maintain a register of contracts. When must the annual report be published by? (5 Points)(Required)